Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Onion, Olive Oil, Sea salt, and Oregano Focaccia.

I really must learn how to add pictures to this blog. I can understand why no one even so much as looks at it. With that said, I can share with you (who?) this easy, no-rising time, yeast recipe.

Onion, Olive oil, Sea salt, and Oregano Focaccia
4 cups water, lukewarm
4 tsp yeast, slightly heaped
4 tsp sugar
4 tsp salt, rounded slightly
1/2 cup olive oil
9 cups flour

Combine water, yeast, sugar, and salt to proof for 10 minutes together in your stand mixer bowl.
Add flour. Mix at speed 2 until a soft, sticky dough forms. Pat onto a large cookie sheet drizzled heavily with olive oil.  Cover with one onion chopped into half moon shapes, sea salt, and oregano. Again, drizzle heavily with olive oil. Place into a preheated 400 degree oven. Bake until golden brown all over. Remove. Eat.